CDG Fake Accounts Announcement

Hello everybody!

We want to share some important news about our social media accounts. We noticed that there were some issues lately, so we want to make sure that you all know what is going on.

We only have two official social media accounts: a Facebook page and an Instagram profile.

Both accounts have the exact same handle name, @cdgjsc.cdsa. You can look at the address bar for Facebook and check whether it says

I want to emphasize again that these two accounts are the only official accounts we are responsible for managing, such as posting updates, information, and announcements.

If you have questions or comments or want to contact us, these accounts are the only places we can answer and interact with you.

We are sharing this important notice with you because we are aware of other pages, groups, accounts, and profiles where they will add friends. They are not ours, and we are not responsible for updating them. If you also ask questions on these other accounts, we can’t reply to you.

Please double-check that you are following the correct accounts. If you are following us on our official accounts, you can be sure you are getting the latest updates and goings-on, as CDG is fast approaching!

Thank you all.